The singing extent the strength of resonance and getting a strong tone with an open sound is generally developed already with the performing of correct vocal humming. Humming should be carried out with an entirely relaxed body but it should only be most of all a consequence of vibrating the face bones. Humming in a voiceful way that allows you the following conditions: relaxed expression, soft facial tissue and slightly opened lips. Correct resonance of the head (head voice) causes tickling in the part of the lips. You should lower the throat and at the same time lower the neck. This position hardly percepts the sound of the vocal chord and enables that without unnecessary touching the soft tissues strengthens with leaning on the chest, skull and facial bones.
Vocal extent (ambitus)
A wide vocal extent is a wish and at the same time a necessary skill of each completed singer. On the way to adopt wide positions you come across numerous obstacles where the most common are pressing the throat and incorrect posture most of all in the part of the head.
When widening melodious spans the perception of space is very important where the singer leans on the air pillar and the awareness of resonant moments where the sonic flow is directed. Especially useful is managing the mental imagination. It is easier to overcome the already adopted reflexes of the body response when performing “high” and “low” tones with them.
Mental imagination (1)
As a help when singing imagine that you have a ball of wool in your stomach which cord is unwinding fluently when singing through the mouth opening. The point removes constantly in the space till the end of the phrase.
Mental imagination (2)
The next performance includes a painting brush or a role on a long stick where you will not paint the wall in one step from the beginning to the end. To lower the brush into the bucket with paint illustrates the singing exhale to dunk the brush into the bucket with paint means a deep inhale where you want to take the cast as smooth as possible on the wall’s surface.
Have you ask yourself about the level of singing pre-knowlege or you’re interested for more about singing warm-up, correct singing breathing, vowels and consonants articulation, posture and expression, polyphonic singing, vocal range (singing high and low tones) or about complete song preparing… Check out The Basics of Vocal Technique.E
Did you find in the article “Vocal extent & resonance” some useful advice for yourself?
Robert Feguš